Giving Back
1. Send 101 post cards with postcrossing. (0/101)
2. Set up bins to use for recycling.
3. Donate $5 for every unmet goal. (94/101)
4. Complete 60 hours of community service. (0/60)
5. Go on a mission trip.
6. Volunteer for VBS.
Scrapbooks and Blogs
7. Put together a book of my favorite recipes.
8. Finish wedding scrapbook.
9. Xanga once a month. (6/33)
10. Update blog 2 times a month. (0/66)
Spending and Saving
11. Buy new bedding.
12. Buy no fun stuff for a month.
13. Pay off visa card.
14. Save $2500 in savings account.
15. Own a mac.
Staying Beautiful
16. Feel comfortable in a bathing suit.
17. Try a ped egg.
18. Try smooth away.
19. Fit into a size 6 jean comfortably.
20. Wash face every night before bed for a month. (0/30)
21. Wear makeup every day for a month. (0/30)
22. Get a brazilian wax.
23. Shave every day for a month. (0/30)
24. Keep toenails painted for a month. (0/30)
Being Healthy
25. Lose 10 lbs. (0/10)
26. Be able to do 250 sit ups in one sitting.
27. Run a mile.
28. Talk to an allergist about shots.
29. Join weight watchers.
30. Buy Flirty Girl Fit dvds or take a pole dancing class.
31. Finish the 100 push up challenge.
You Learn Something New Everyday
32. Learn Photoshop.
33. Make sigs for 3 other people. (0/3)
34. Create a proboard.
36. Try 101 new recipes. (0/101)
37. Complete Wine 101.
38. Build something.
39. Learn to sew.
40. Make a list of 101 things I like about myself.
41. Learn some HTML.
Friends and Alfred
43. Always offer guests food and drink.
44. Meet all moms/babies in the xihoneys group. (11/20)
45. Call 5 friends I haven’t talked to in awhile. (0/5)
47. Capture family/friend visits on camera.
48. Buy something for Alfred with my own money.
49. Give 5 random gifts to friends. (0/5)
51. Have dinner made for Alfred when he gets home 101 times. (1/101)
52. Give in to his advances every time for a month. (0/30)
For the Kid in Me
53. Buy an American Girl doll.
54. Have a sleepover.
55. Find a new sub place.
56. Collect all Wee Sing dvds. (5/9)
59. Make a list of and then buy my 10 favorite movies. (0/10)
62. Build a fort.
64. Read 52 books in 52 weeks. (0/52)
65. Go to Greece.
66. Visit 10 states. (3/10)
67. Go on a cruise.
68. No tv for a week. (0/7)
69. No computer for a week. (0/7)
70. No texting for a week. (0/7)
71. Respond to 2 chain emails. (0/2)
73. Play beach volleyball.
74. Buy a rabbit and the kama sutra.
75. Collect an entire book series.
My Life as a Mommy
76. Acquire 101 cloth diapers. (0/101)
77. Create a playroom space for Nani.
79. Wean Nani from the pacifier.
80. Potty train Nani.
81. Take 101 mommy/daughter pics. (0/101)
82. Take a picture of Nani every day for a month. (0/30)
83. Write a book for Nani.
84. Read about elimination communication.
85. Track fertility and buy an OPK.
86. Sign up for a book club for Nani.
87. Drive to and from Houston alone with Nani.
89. Join a playgroup.
90. Research cloth diapering.
91. Write down an eat/sleep schedule of Nani's for others to follow.
92. Pack up Nani's old stuff.
93. Get up to date on Nani's scrapbook.
94. Blog or journal about TTC and pregnancy.
96. Do 101 art projects with Nani. (1/101)
97. Clean everything out from underneath the bed – repack in plastic bins.
98. Sort through my wardrobe.
99. De-clutter the house.
100. Teach Nani 10 signs. (4/10)
101. Keep the house clean for a month. (0/30)
For charting I HIGHLY recommend getting the book Taking Charge of Your Fertilty. As for obtaining cloth diapers I know someone you can buy some from (wink wink). I also wrote a comprehensive guide to cloth diapering if you want that as part of your research :). Good luck w/your goals! You can do it!