
Starting Over!! Rules of the Game

When I first started this about a year ago, I was pretty noncommittal about it. I don't even know what my start date was! And although I was pretty proud of myself for completing the tasks I did....I think it's time to start over. And do it right this time around!!!

Check out the Day Zero website for all the background info you want about this project and join me if you feel so inclined! The rules are simple: Tasks must be specific with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching, representing some amount of work on your part.

And my own personal addition to the order to mark the task as complete it must be documented here in some way, either through a photo or a link or something similar!

This list of 101 goals was started Sep 01, 2010
and is scheduled to finish May 30, 2013.



1. Join a book club.

My Club M.O.M. group is trying to start a book club. In order for this to count I need to stick with it at least through one entire book! Give it a fair shot!! Our first book is "Babyproofing Your Marriage". We start around Sept. 13! I hope this is something I enjoy and want to continue...I miss reading! Although how-to books kind of bore me.

I'm going to check out the half-price bookstores in Houston while I'm there for this!

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Went to half-price today and not only found the book but they were having one of their "extra 20% off" days! Score! Now time to read a few chapters and see what this Book Club thing is all about!

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I've read the book and tonight is our first meeting. Too bad I'm sick and might not make it!!! Buuuut a couple of my friends are thinking about reading Mini Shopaholic. I might need to catch up by reading the other Shopaholic books!!
Thank goodness it's not another self-help book! Just some fun, light reading! Only 7 books in the series...I could definitely get into this I think! Plus there's a movie! LOL
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Ok so the BPYM book club isn't really working out. Too many pregnant moms!! LOL! And I never did get around to buying Mini Shopaholic! However....a group of my friends has started the "Mama Margareaders"! Our first book is "With Friends Like These".
I really want this to work out! I love to read and I want to share that passion with others! But I'm already feeling a little left out of the group. I will push through though! I am known to be very sensitive!! Hopefully that is all it is!
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We had our first "official" meeting last night. I think this could work! But I might also try to get an online one going for more fantasy books. But I want to keep going with this group. I like the moms. And last night I was reminded of why. We are all very different but alike in strange ways! Looking forward to more meetings! Next time I will need to take a picture so I can check this one off as complete!
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Well the Mama Margareaders didn't work out either. Lisa went through a major life change and moved away rather abruptly. Turns out....she was the glue that held us together! Oh well!
Not one to give up without a fight....the AB's formed a separate book club! While we're not very good at reading the same book at the same time....we ARE good at sharing what we like and what we don't like!! Since traditional book clubs haven't worked well for me, this seems to be the compromise that does work!

***** COMPLETED ON FEBRUARY 7, 2011*****


2. Frame pictures and hang on the wall.

There are a few important pictures that need to be mounted on our walls!

- The pregnant belly pic in the girls room.
- The Kiddie Kandids picture of the girls.
- Nani's Piggies and Paws print.
- San Francisco picture.
- New York picture.

I also need to order some from Heather!


3. Donate $5 for every Changed Goal

Ideally I would like to complete 101 goals. However, that is not always possible. So I've decided that part of this particular goal will be that if I decide to change one of my goals...then I will need to donate $5 every time I do that! And update here with (a) what I changed (b) why I changed it and (c) what it has been changed to. Hopefully I won't need to change very many!

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I changed "Donate $5 for every unmet goal"
I explained above, but I want to complete 101 goals. But in so doing I might need to change some and would like to make a donation as a part of changing a goal.
I'm changing it to "Donate $5 for every changed goal"

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I changed "Call 5 friends a month just to chat"
It just wasn't happening. Not only was I not calling people just to chat....but it's also just too hard to keep track of!
I changed it to "Complete the 30 day photo challenge". Although the 2 are unrelated I thought this was equally challenging!


4. Leave an Inspirational note in a book.

A couple of steps will need to be taken to make this happen.

- Choose the perfect book.
- Write the perfect note.
- Return to library OR resell to half price?
- Add something about 101 in 1001!



7. Put together a book of 101 favorite recipes.

Look up Asian Orange Chicken at - Mom says it's a winner!


8. Get up to date on all scrapbooks.

I am working on the "preparing for wedding day" spread! I know that sounds like I'm waaaaay at the beginning but in my defense our wedding book starts when we started dating and includes our engagement!

And after finishing the wedding I need to move on to the girls!


9. Write 101 blog entries.

Here is a link to my blog, My Semi-Charmed Life.

I've written 3 posts so far! Only 98 to go!

I'm also working on a Pixies and Pirates blog as I prepare for the girls next party! I'm very excited about this party!

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Between my two blogs I now have 30 entries!! Go me!!! Only 71 left!


10. Blog 101 times for the girls blog.

I need to start a new blog for both girls. Maybe I will get some ambition one day and fill in the gaps on Nani's!!


11. Get rid of our cable.

I don't know if Alfred will let me now that he's fallen in love with HD programming....but I'd like to save the money by having one less bill to pay!

I don't know how long we would have to go without cable for this to count....6 months maybe?

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We are a little apprehensive about cutting off the cable completely! So we are going to try baby steps. Step one will be to move from digital cable to regular extended cable. It will mean we can't record shows...but with Netflix we have no need of recording shows for Nani!! And with the internet...if Alfred and I need to get caught up later then we can easily do that! It will take alot of adjustment...but I think it will be best for our entire family!

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Well we did it! Our cable is officially OFF! And has been for 2 whole weeks! LOL We spend most of our time watching netflix. It's definitely an adjustment but it's not so bad. We miss sporting events...that's the hardest part!

***** COMPLETED ON MARCH 18, 2011 *****


12. Redecorate one room from top to bottom.

If I go with the master bedroom....I want this bedding!! It's from JCP...$140 for a queen 10-piece set on sale now.


13. Turn electricity off for a weekend.

I'll make an exception for a/c or heat if it's needed! But I think it would be nice to turn off everything, lights, everything!

Oh and we need to be staying there that weekend too! It doesn't count if we're not in the house!


14. Plant a tree.

I think this would be a nice memorial to the baby we lost between the two girls. It was a very early miscarriage but certainly long enough to leave scars behind. Should I try to grow it from a seed? That would be interesting....and would give me time to let it grow before needing a permanent space. Must do more research.


15. Take the 5000 Question Survey

I'm not entirely sure how this works. But I think this is the link I want!

5000 Question Survey

I also created a page linked to this blog where I answer questions. 5000 is ALOT of questions and I didn't want to overwhelm my blog any more than necessary! I'm on's slow going.

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First 1000 done!! Only 4000 left....I'm already kind of tired of all the silly questions. Although some of them do make me think a little and a couple have driven me to google!


16. Take a belly dancing class.

I'm going to my first ever belly dancing class this week!! I'm excited and nervous! Obviously this is something I want to try....but I'm fat. And I know I will feel awkward trying to dance sexy! But at least I will be with friends!


17. Sign up for weight watchers.

Either online or group classes. Must participate for 3 months to count!


18. Find a workout routine I enjoy.

I'm hoping we will get a Wii Fit soon. Really hoping it's something I can enjoy! Tried Zumba...wasn't working! Chair dancing is awesome! But expensive and sporadic :o(

I should really try the Flirty DVD's....might be able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone!


22. Finish a puzzle book.

I'm always buying puzzle books. A couple of times a month at least. But there are always a few puzzles that I just cannot get. Sometimes I don't even understand the directions! LOL! Well I finally finished one!!! Go me!!

Completed 3/16/11 (need to take a pic)


25. Quilt a blanket.

I'd love to use some of the girls old clothes and maybe some of my sorority shirts to make a remembrance quilt!


29. Attend a Murder Mystery party.

Christin hosted a Murder Mystery Party at her place for our Real SAHM's of NW San Antonio group! It was fun but I'll be honest...I had some trouble getting into it! I played "Iona Rabbit" - a sex shop owner! But I was not the murderer :o( However, due to some last minute cancellations....Justin was our killer! haha

***** COMPLETED SEPTEMBER 18, 2010 *****


31. Finish the 100 push up challenge

This is a 6-week series of push-up challenges that progressively increase your strength so that you should, in theory, be able to do 100 consecutive push-ups by the end of it!

I started this back at the end of November of 2008...but was never able to complete it. I lost focus when I started to worry about packing for our trip to Arizona and just stopped. I was in the middle of week 2.




42. Go on a girl's only trip

Kami, Heather, Lane and I got together without the kids this year! We went to Alabama where Lane lives and it was so so much fun and so nice to get a break!!! I think we spoiled ourselves though - we woke up late every day....stayed in bed long after we should have....didn't get out of the house until 4pm on at least one occasion....and drank...alot! Although because you can't really take the "mom" out of any of us....we never had any "so drunk I can't function" moments and most of us woke up early out of habit!

I left with fabulous memories and cannot wait to do it again!!!

*** COMPLETED ON 2/4/2011 ***


45. Complete the 30 Day Photo Challenge

This goal was changed. Keeping track of who I call on a monthly basis just wasn't working!!!

Day 01 - A recent photo of you and 15 facts about yourself
Day 02 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through a lot in life.
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 06 - A picture that shows your true self
Day 07 - A picture of someone who has made a big impact on your life.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 10 - A picture of someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 11 - Your celebrity crush
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of something you hate
Day 14 - Picture of something you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - Someone you would want to switch lives w/ for one day and why
Day 17 - Your favorite song
Day 18 - Picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture of someone you miss
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - A picture that confuses you
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 25 - Picture of you taken right this minute.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - Who are you?


46. Meet 5 more AB moms.

I've met 2 AB mom's now! Me, Samanta and Karri brought our babies and husbands along for lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. It was so easy and fun and one of the better times I've had this year! YAY!

Well now I've met far more than 5 AB moms!!! YAY!

Went to Seaworld with Tiffany at the end of April. And just got back from a week trip with Lane and Kami! While there we also met up with Danielle in NYC and then Jen, Chrissy, and Gretchen on Saturday! So that's 9 AB mom's and babies!!! YAY! I love them all!!

Time to add some more to the list!!! While visiting Houston this past June a few of us met up at the Houston Children's Museum! Karri and Sam were there again as well as Robin and Rachel (with their sons Collin and Wilbur)! 11 AB mom's!!! Wow!

I'm just going to keep this list going!!! Heather and Brianna joined our group this past March! Her, Kami and Lane all came to visit me! And now I am on a mission to meet 5 more!!


47. Breastfeed for a year

It has been 9 months! I am determined to get to at least a year with Carly. Hopefully even longer! It has been very enjoyable this time around. I love the bonding time and how she snuggles up next to me!

Carly stopped breastfeeding completely at 18 months. I definitely reached my goal of a year but am really sad that the entire experience is over :o( She's no longer a baby!



48. Buy something for Alfred with my own money.

Step One.....figure out a way to make my own money!!! HAHAHA


52. Save $10 for every task I complete

If I complete all my tasks that would be $1010! Not too shabby!


53. Visit 5 states.

It's Lane's turn so I will probably be seeing Alabama this year! And Ali just moved to Vegas so I'm sure we will also be visiting Nevada!


54. Read 52 books in 52 consecutive weeks

Jan 2 - Jan 8 -- Momfriends by Ariella Papa
I found this book while searching for good books to read for my book club. So far it's not only an easy read but also very relate-able! A good first choice!

Jan 9 - Jan 15 -- Iron Lace by Emilie Richards
This was our first book for the AB bookworm club. It started off soooo good and then just fizzled out. I was disappointed in the ending but might still read the sequel.

Jan 16 - Jan 22 -- Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner
I wanted to like this book. It promised some mystery and intrigue and less romance. But it was boring.

Jan 23 - Jan 29 -- Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin
Finally!!! A book I loved!! I was specifically looking for a book about ex boyfriends and what ifs. I came across this one in one of my searches and decided to go ahead and read it. It was exactly what I needed and was also fun to read! Love love loved it!!

Jan 30 - Feb 5 -- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I don't know what I thought this was going to be about but it was much different than I expected. It was goooood! But also a little uncomfortable to read. Still I will be adding the other 2 books in the trilogy to my list!

Feb 6 - Feb 12 -- Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
I'm a sucker for a happy ending and so far Emily Giffin's books have not disappointed! They keep me interested, they make me believe in true love, they make me want to read more!! The only downside is that they end! LOL!

Feb 13 - Feb 19 -- Always the Baker, Never the Bride by Sandra D. Bricker
I stumbled upon this book while browsing free Kindle books. It's cute! It doesn't require much thought but it's definitely a feel-good kind of book! Plus cake decorating has always been a dream of mine so bonus points for that!

Feb 20 - Feb 26 -- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
I tried to wait to read more of the Hunger Games series but just couldn't! I was just as engrossed in this second book. It was less heart-wrenching which was nice but still a really good book!

Feb 27 - Mar 5 -- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
The third and final book in the Hunger Games was excellent! I wish there were more to read! Although now I am ahead in my 52 week goal LOL!

Mar 6 - Mar 12 -- Outlander by Diana Gabladon
Need to borrow this from Marlo!


56. Collect all Wee Sing dvds.

Wee Sing DVD's
1. Wee Sing in Sillyville
2. Wee Sing King Cole's Party
3. Wee Sing the Wee Sing Train
4. Wee Sing Under the Sea
5. Wee Sing Together
6. Wee Sing Grandpa's Magical Toys
7. Wee Sing the Best Christmas Ever!
8. Wee Sing in the Big Rock Candy Mountains
9. Wee Sing in the Marvelous Musical Mansion

So we have 4 so far and Nani really loves them!!! She watches them all day and whenever we try to watch something else she will turn her movie on LOL! She figured out how to work the DVD player pretty quickly!! Can't wait to get some more...I'm tired of these movies already!

Update: Just ordered one more!! The other 4 are wearing very thin!!! Halfway there!!



59. Make a list of and then buy my 10 favorite movies.

List of Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again
1. 13 Going on 30
2. Clueless
3. Letters to Juliet
4. Under the Tuscan Sun
5. Enchanted
6. Troop Beverly Hills
7. Newsies
8. Pippi Longstocking
9. Labyrinth
10. Elf
Most of my other big time favorites I already own!! Although in VHS format...but I want ones that I don't have at all!
*List is I just need to buy them!*

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Hoping to get Enchanted as part of the Disney Movie Club!



67. Potty train Nani

Oh how I wish this could be over with!!! She's stubborn and we're both feeling unmotivated!



77. Post 101 times per board

Apple Bottoms - Starting Post Count - 1873

Gumdrops - Starting Post Count - ?? - haven't hit 50 yet! So I guess 101 + whatever it takes to get to 50!


82. Create an advent calendar

This looks so cool!! I would love to have this done for Nani by the time Advent comes along this year!



86. Get a friend for Dite

I don't always think we made the best decision when we decided to get another dog, but we did it anyway and I am so happy we were able to give Persephone her forever home :o)

We went through Diamond Dachshunds Rescue of Texas and although the process was really involved and rather frustrating at times, Sephe is such a sweet dog especially with the girls!!

Aphrodite is less than amused!!! She tolerates Sephe and at times I think she really does enjoy her company but Dite was quite used to being the baby of the family and is now a big sister to 3 little sisters! Poor thing....

***** COMPLETED MARCH 15, 2011 *****


97. Start a conversation with a stranger

Preferably a mom! Maybe make a new friend out of it!